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- Multiple changes to the competitive matchmaking algorithm, which will require Skill Groups to be recalibrated for accuracy. Your Skill Group will not be visible until you win your next match.
- Game instructor should now correctly reload saved state if it is disabled and re-enabled.
- Game instructor floating hints are disabled in competitive matches.




- Changes to Cannons:
- Altered the angle that the North cannon faces.
- Cannons can now be aimed upwards, and is now 2x faster.
- Now have 3 firing speeds (change with mouse2)
- Reduced inaccuracy multiplier.
- Killfeed now shows weapon icon.
- Produce a beefy screen shake and more particle effects.
- Base model now also rotates.
- Added damage falloff to cannonballs after their initial collision.
- Fixed being able to bumpmine away from cannon and keep control.
- Fixed cannons continuing to turn when no longer in use.
- Added bus to bus stop outside Industry.





66hash stake
88skins stake